Thread: Maranao Sundang
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Old 3rd July 2008, 09:10 AM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Miya,

also, study the surface of the blade. If it's grainier, then it's not older.
This blade has been etched with ferric chloride which is more agressive than coconut water or other traditional etchants used in SE Asia.

I agree that a Moro warrior would have kept his kris in better polish and only lightly etched. However, long-time storage has taken its toll with some of the old blades (neglected by US veterans as well as by less blade-savy Filipinos) - so it's quite common to find genuine antique kris with various forms of corrosion; if gently cleaned rather than polished, the surface will look grainy.

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