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Old 28th March 2005, 01:27 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Yannis
Andrew read his post:
I read it, and my prior comment stands.

I don’t accuse anyone. I think that I can read. And I still find it improper.
Yes, you did accuse someone. Yes, you can read. You also allow your personal issues and animosities color your participation in this forum. I suggest you stop.

So next time I want to learn about an open auction I just have to copy the photos, eh? Thank you, I will do that.
Rivkin this is the solution.
As a result of your conduct on this very thread, the rule prohibiting discussion of active eBay auctions will now be expanded. It was our hope that "scholarly" discussion of an item, albeit in a ficticious vacuum would be possible.

Apparantly not.
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