Originally Posted by swordsmith
 I am the owner of this sword and feel very aggrieved that someone is trying to damage my E-Bay auction (which is still running). There is absolutely no doubt that this sword is original and my E-Bay feedback proves that I am an honest dealer. And I am also furious that my pictures (which are copyrighted) have been posted onto this web site without my permission
First, swordsmith, welcome to the forum. I haven't seen anyone in this thread trying to damage your auction, or suggest that you were not an honest dealer. That is your interpretation, and for that I am sorry. Your photos were published on a public website, and posted here for discussion, not profit. In other words, fair use. Had you a concern, my preference would have been for you to contact myself or the other staff here and asked us to remove them.
- I am a member of SwordForum.com and this would never be allowed -
I notice active auction links and photos posted on SFI regularly. If anything, our policy is more strict.
I suggest that your moderators are not doing their job.
Really? How so? Would you like us to monitor every eBay auction to cross-reference it with every thread on this forum?
I suggest you read the rules of this forum, and if you have a concern, feel free to contact the Staff.