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Old 26th May 2008, 07:17 AM   #29
Join Date: Dec 2004
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It is true that we may never know for sure, nor did I intend to poo-poo anyone's else's opinions on this mystery piece. My reasoning for it being Spanish Colonial and not African was deductive-
1) The generalized shape matches that of European, American and Span Colonial in that it resembles a boarding pike-type shape, square-shaped in cross section.
2) It was apparently secured to the haft with a nail/pin or other securing device, so common on Euro/Amer/Span Colonial pikes, spontoons, lances, etc.
3) The designs on it very closely match those found on Colonial Spanish/S American swords and espada.
4) It's primitive composition and crudeness, with all the evidence above, points to "backwoods" Spanish Colonial work. If one ever looks at the iron-work from the Southwest, Mexico, the Pampas, you will see what I'm talking about. Quality ranges from very fine work (Mexican spurs and espada come to mind) to the very primitive (the put-together sword I pictured under the Pirate thread with the brazed guard is an example).
In any case, I like it! Too bad someone bent it as they did.

Last edited by M ELEY; 26th May 2008 at 07:18 AM. Reason: mis-spelling
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