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Old 23rd May 2008, 08:23 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mark
Interesting. The one of the right is, I think, a European in a tri-corner hat, frock coat & boots.

Are these panels on the scabbard or elsewere, then? Maybe a section was replaced.

Further to previous discussion, the Dha has now arrived and I can provide a little more info.
Firstly the balance of the blade appears no different from other Dha I have--the weight is approx central. The 17 7/8" blade is very sharp but is only 1/4" thick at the hilt. The handle is 11 3/4" long so probably designed for 2 handed use. Metal appears to be copper overall, but it has been silvered, and a small amount still remains at the scabbard drag. The decorative panels cover all the scabbard except for a plain 4 1/2" section which shows clear marks of having had a baldric at some stage. The handle also is totally covered with decorative panels.
The quality of this piece appears to me to be well above average, and definately shows some age. I would be interested to hear what others think.
Re the figures shown in the panels---I have taken the liberty to copy a couple of pics from Mark's Dha Research Archive (Hope that's OK Mark!). Are those "hats" familiar!!??
Regards Stuart
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