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Old 9th April 2008, 02:18 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by josh stout
The Tibetan knife ZhenjieWu posted has a single line of copper on the pommel, and the pommel is no wider than the rest of the handle. This is the same style seen on Chinese, Mongolian, and Manchu utility knives. The Boan dao posted by ZhenjieWu all have flaring pommels with decorative copper/brass work. The two knives posted by other members share this characteristic pommel design, so until a similar example can be found from another culture, I will agree with ZhenjieWu that these are Boan dao.
Josh, i think if you look closely at the hilt on the Tibetan knife ZhenjieWu posted i think you can just barely see that it flares out ever so slightly in much the same way as my example. The flare style on the Boan knives he posted is stylistically much different as are the materials used. If you go to my linked example and scoll down you will see another "Tibetan" knife that i posted that has a fancier sheath, but still in the same style with rayskin in the middle. Same bone handle like mine, Stuart's and ZhenjieWu's (Tibetan) examples. Same basic sheath designs, though some are fancier than other's. I still lean towards Tibetan origin based on what has been presented here.

Last edited by David; 9th April 2008 at 02:31 PM.
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