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Old 6th April 2008, 02:58 AM   #50
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Thanks for this valuable information, Jim. The reason I'm asking is the lion-hilt sword blade/grip always struck me as at least mid-late 18th century, but the 2 German makers/traders date to a later period per Bezdek's book. If one or the other German traders had stamped it alone, it would be of 1790's date, but listed together as they are, I think they date to 1820's 40's, much later than I think this sword dates. I know many guns created earlier were often stamped by merchants later (my British boarding pistol with 18th century proofs inscribed S. Wallis for Stephen Wallis, a merchant in Birmingham from 1816-30's), so any chance this sword marked later by these traders??
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