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Old 3rd April 2008, 01:58 PM   #8
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Andrew, I remember this one and like you was perplexed by the copper blade, not to mention the rather unique method of mounting it to the haft.

As far as efficient use goes, I see it as easier to use than my bamboo mounted example because the blade is more in line with the haft.

PUFF makes a good point too in that a wide swing negates much of the problem, but there are some times in combat where this is not possible, that's why I think these were best used by mounted troops as they often had a greater range of motion....much like some Indo Persian maces are clearly made for mounted warriors based on their length and weight...they would need that same range of motion.

If you look at the panel from Angkor Wat and the two fellas clearly holding maks, you can almost imagine the range of motion and the downward swing of the weapon and can see how under those circumstances it would deliver a powerful blow.
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