28th March 2008, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Greensboro, NC
Posts: 1,084
Originally Posted by M ELEY
015- Top pic is of a "New Spain" colonial sword/cutlass, ca.1800-20 period with swelled horn grip and 3 branched guard piened to cup guard. This guard always reminds me of later Mexican metal work spurs. According to "Spanish Swords in Colonial America", these types probably more Central/South American. There was a resurgence of pirate activity in the 1810-30 time period in the Caribbean, particularly with Cuban pirates. Likewise, the logwood cutters of Compeche and Hondurus were always quick to take up piracy when their work dropped off or was halted.
Middle is the head of a naval pike, probably British, ca 1810.
Bottom pic is the now-identified Brazilian espada (Thanks, Jim!!!) previously discussed.
Pics added