Thread: Neka
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Old 27th March 2008, 07:22 PM   #6
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From the museum's website comes this discription which i assume is the exhibit in question:
Dozens of antique and new keris from the collection of Suteja Neka, paintings from the Neka Art Museum with keris in them along with photographs by its curator Garrett Kam showing keris in Balinese costumes, ceremonies and dances are highlighted. This will be complemented by an exhibition of traditional Balinese paintings from private collections in Jakarta organized by Larasati Auctioneers and Friends of Larasati. Two books will be launched: The Neka Art Museum in Modern Balinese History: Art and the Passage of Time by Garrett Kam, and Mimpi Jadi Kenyata an compiled by Kardi Suteja and Wahyu Suteja, sons of Suteja Neka and Gusti Made Srimin. NOTE: The opening gala event is by invitation only.
They do mention that at least some of these keris are new and i would suspect that Madura is a likely source for them. They do seem like nice examples of new work so i don't see much problem with it if they are indeed presented as such. I wonder what the balance of new/old pieces is for this show. The one "old" keris photo that they show on the site is too small to tell much, but is described as the 17th century royal keris Ki Baju Rante (Venerable Armored Coat).
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