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Old 27th March 2008, 04:40 AM   #11
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Smile IT'S HERE so new pics below

Arrived today and not a bad little piece. Not my collecting area, so it will probably end up being sold or swapped eventually, but in meantime here are a few more pics.
Dimensions are:Knife 7 1/8" with a blade of 3 3/4"
In scabbard 8 1/2" overall
The scabbard has leather between the silver bands (no rayskin) The throat of the scabbard also appears to be silver.The lower part of the scabbard is steel/iron and there is a wooden "plug" in the end.
It was described by the previous owner as a Tibetan Goat Skining Knife. I would have though it too small for that purpose.
Regards Stuart
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