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Old 27th March 2008, 02:38 AM   #14
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Thanks so much, Jim! It means alot to have your input. The attribution to an espada is fascinating, as I have ended up with a grouping of these swords quite by but now they fit nicely in the pirate/privateer theme. I am surprised at your memory of the eagle hilt (actually, it's a primative lion head) and you are exactly right in that it does have the Spanish motto and is marked Solingen. There are a couple more pics of these swords in 023 coming up as well as a few other sundry pieces.

018- More detail of the 3 sabers from the first photo. The middle one already discussed as the M1799. The bottom piece a Spanish broadsword, ca.1790-1820. The top one a true AMerican piece, circa 1780-1810, with typical pommel, ivory/bone grip, European blade with splays of arms, etc. At one time, the guard apparently damaged and replaced with a simple crosspiece of walnut.
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