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Old 26th March 2008, 05:51 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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020- A collection of short swords/hangers. Many of these were very popular with sailors due to their small size (avoidance of getting tangled in the rigging) and inexpensive nature.
Top one is probably French and has definate characteristics of a sea sword per Rankin (Naval Swords), including a plain, undecorated blade, brass fittings (resist sea air) and nautical hilt motiffs (this one with shells, sea grass, ocean waves), circa 1770's-80's.
Middle one discussed in days of yore on the forum! Dutch hanger, ca.1660-80, with carved Singhalese hilt of lion with hunting dog guard/finials carved in tropical wood. Probabaly dating to the Anglo-Dutch Wars, marking a series of 4 dots making a diamond shape (this pattern seen on early Singhalese coins circa 300AD called the 'maneless lion coins", but also seen on Dutch Dump coins of the period)
Final hanger is Dutch, marked with sword maker/sharpener and owner and the street where it was made, plus "Amsterdam". From Colonial Williamsburg area...
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