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Old 25th March 2008, 05:22 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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WOW! Very nice display Mark! I can picture you in there with a bottle of rum and waving a cutlass
The cutlass there with the fluted ebony grip is identical to one I have that has a 'Montmorency' cross section blade which is marked 'wooley & deakin' (dates to years 1801-1803). This form of brass hilt sabre was also made I believe by Durs Egg in England at the same time. Interesting that the ebony grip as well as the blade form carrys French influence, something that seems to have been reflected in James Wooley's work from the time of the M1788 sabres.
My sabre is relatively short for a cavalry sabre, so I had suspected it might have been a maritime weapon, as well of course as the brass mounts.

Thanks so much for the jump start on this topic Mark!!

All the best,
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