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Old 9th March 2008, 10:01 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This was an interesting discussion, and its theme was essentially one of the purposes of the 'early trademarks thread'. While that thread seems to have pretty much run its course, and still stands holding important data for further research, I wanted to add some information I have just discovered , and wanted to place it on this thread.

Regardless of the local term applied, or the colloquial terms used by collectors, these opposed crescent or semi circles and thier origin remain somewhat a mystery. It is generally held that the marking, typically with lines or 'teeth' added, derives from early markings denoting quality on the blades of Genoa. The marks were duplicated in other regions and centers of blade makers with the quality connotation carried forward.

It is unclear whether the toothed half circles ever were those of a particular maker, and I am inclined to believe that they were likely guild marks that became used in various centers in Italy. With the blades exported to other trade centers, it is likely they were duplicated by local makers to suggest blade quality, much as this was done by native makers in North Africa, India and of course, the Caucusus.

In a documentary I was just viewing, there was mention of early Christian symbolism, and the fish becoming a symbol for Jesus. Apparantly early Christians, using stylized symbolism when meeting, would draw a line in the earth of a semi circle. The other, in response if himself a Christian, would also draw a semicircle with his foot, superimposed on the other, the two depicting a stylized fish.
I think that eventually these semi circles became important in symbolism disassociated with that particular meaning in degree, as disjoined elements, and eventually in Italy became trademarks for a guild of bladesmiths. It would be interesting if this could be substantiated, but does seem a plausible theory for the beginnings of the opposed semicircles. I believe that the paired crescent moons reflected these 'eyelash' or 'sickle marks' in their dual representation. Naturally duality is also very important in symbolism.

The anchor is also mentioned as an early Christian symbol, and as such, is discussed on the forementioned thread.

The eyelash or sickle marks became important in a number of blade centers, and commonly used in Styria, India, North Africa and the Caucusus with the purpose of suggesting blade quality. This just seemed interesting in looking at the possible beginnings of the marks.

Best regards,
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