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Old 5th March 2008, 02:53 PM   #19
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Is there another law over there that deals specifically with antiques of any nature? One argument would be that if the sword is an antique under such a law, it should be permissible to own, sell, etc. Laws should not conflict, and generally the earlier law governs absent specific limitation or supercedence by a later law.

I am still always amazed at the idea of going after the means used to commit a crime, rather than the criminal. Shouldn't crowbars be made illegal, as they are often used in breaking and entering? Here in the US, as I imagine in the UK, there are some many laws already on the books that can be used to target criminal behavoir, yet they are so often laxly or inconsistenly applied. It comes down to pure politics, of course. Some MP, or Congressman, grabs a headline and runs with it for the attention it gets them as a crusader against crime.
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