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Old 4th March 2008, 11:09 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Right now in the state of NSW, Australia, edged weapons collectors are waiting for the report and recommendations flowing from the review of the Prohibition of Weapons Act.

There will be restrictions on the ownership of swords , as yet we do not know how severe those restrictions will be.

In respect of the UK legislation:- I do not see the term "sword" in the definitions.

Exactly what is and is not a "sword" ?

Richard Burton was unable to define sword, I think from memory he finished up by saying something like :- "well, when you see one, you'll recognise it"

Lacking adequate definition of a "sword" this legislation is for practical purposes not able to be universally enforced. Yes, it will certainly apply to all those easily recognisable swords, but there are many other implements that could be considered to have the nature of a sword, and that could lead to a prosecution being launched. If the prosecution is unsuccessful , this will weaken the law.

From what I have just read in this legislation, it seems to be remarkably poorly drafted. I doubt that much thought went into this.

Consider this:- this legislation relies on a measurement taken from the handle.
If there is no handle, there can be no measurement taken, thus, demount the blade and you no longer have a sword.Perhaps sword collectors may have to consider their collecting in a different form. With many Asian weapons, this would present no problem at all.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 4th March 2008 at 11:19 PM.
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