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Old 4th March 2008, 05:27 PM   #1
kronckew's Avatar
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Default End of sword collecting in the UK

The UK govt. in their wisdom has declared any curved sword over 50 cm. (19.675 in) is to be illegal after april 6th. exceptions are any sword made in japan before 1954 and any made in japan by traditional methods.

sale or importation is an offense.

so, the law which started off to ban cheap samurai swords will now ban any antique sabre such as a 1796 light cavalry sabre, dhas, darbs, tulwars, shamshirs, kilij etc... cheap samurai swords are OK as long as they are made in japan and 'by traditional methods' whatever they mean by that.

re-enactors and martial artists may be arrested but can defend themselves in court by proving they are legit & by paying a lawyer a fortune. no exemption for collectors.

as straight swords are not mentioned i guess they are not dangerous.

draft text of act: Linky to silly law

this is in response to the massive increase in cases of assault on MP's by samurai sword welding nutters. (at least a whopping 2 cases in the last 20 years) ( thinking out of the box, why not punish the nutter for misuse, rather than banning an inanimate object)

i guess straight swords will be next, then daggers, then normal knives then plastic ones, paper drawings, and thinking of them will follow in succession.

nanny state in action.

Last edited by Lee; 5th March 2008 at 12:38 PM.
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