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Old 5th February 2008, 12:32 AM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Fernando, thank you so much for posting this beautiful and eloquent description of the symbolism applied by Scottish Highlanders to the basket hilt sword hilts ! I have heard of Mr. MacDonald before in research I was doing on the Scottish basket hilt, and I can see now why he was so highly recommended for answers to my questions.
If ever a toast of Drambuie was in is to him for writing this .

Bill, thank you for coming in on the thread. You have great insight into this perspective so it is good to have your observations. I agree that in many societies, there was profound fear of malevolent spirits that were released when a weapon killed, and as you note, the markings certainly had meaning.

The cho on the kukri has been the subject of debate for decades that I can remember. It is a consistantly applied feature on the blade of virtually every true ethnographic kukri, and there are of course symbolic suggestions and as always, those who try to find practical application. The same is true in the so called 'Spanish notch' in Meditteranean knives and the curious notched tips in Austrian cavalry swords of the 18th century. Many suggestions that have been discussed have been compelling, however there are as far as I know, none that can be proven.

All best regards,
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