Thank you for sharing the reason about why you guess this hilt is a representation of Yaksha, acceptable in many ways.
However if I may, I personally suggest Hanuman as an alternative for some reasons like the tail-like stalk over the back to the right shoulder. To my limited experience, Hanuman/Hanoman/Anoman usually being described with similar tail position in Indonesia, the loose lion-like tail is more to India. I notice there are some fur-like strokes on the face, similar to a monkey face.
Seems like the character is seated, cross-legged. What he holds is really a puzzle, it can be purely decorative, has certain meaning, or simply the key to the character. But at least I can temporary suggest flower and leaf as an alternavite to kayon (tree of life) as a symbolism to offering to the God. I can find a crown-like design too above his head. And Hanuman is much more popular character than Yaksha, that I haven't heard related to keris before.
Pak Maisey, thank you for your insight, I'm agree with you. Above are simply a personal opinion which may 100% incorrect. But I think it is natural for human to find answer to the things that he don't understand. By the way, who do you think the character is? To me, this particular piece is cleverly done and I really think that the carver knows what he's doing.