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Old 3rd February 2008, 09:06 AM   #14
Raden Usman Djogja
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 199

ko-cet... ko-cet-tan... o-ooo
ko-cet... ko-cet-tan... o-ooo

derived from local song-music (DANGDUT) sang by Rhoma Irama

back to hilt, especially phillosophy meanings, I have the same question as newsteel concern. why was kocet-kocetan chosen? If God of Karpa's appearance is a bug. There are so many kind of bugs, including bugbuster

I tried to memorize my childhood when my friends and I looked for butterflies and coconut bugs (kumbang). After having some buterflies and coconut bugs, we went to my one of my friend home. Knowing we had lots of butterflies and before we did some cruelgame, his mother said to us that in some aspects we had to learn from butterflies and kumbangs. Buttterfly was metamorphosis from caterpillar while kumbang was from larva (local name was uret). Both caterpillar and uret were weak and disguisting. To change their destinies, they did long fasting till God accepting their wishes. Caterpillar became a beautiful butterflies and uret became a strong kumbang. Strong kumbang. Even beheaded, kumbang still alive quite longtime.

His mother lesson at that time was to urge us to do fasting, fasting and fasting. However, now situation change. If my cousins know I am fasting, he will said, "Om, be carefull... you can get malnutrized". Instead of I delivered a message that I got from old generation, now, you generation frankly share opinions they found from modern school of thought.

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