Thread: Kukri
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Old 1st February 2008, 09:08 PM   #8
Tatyana Dianova
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 725

Thank you all for the kind words! The swords (and people too) love the compliments But we really should praise the creator(s) of this beautiful piece.
Thank you Spiral for the information, it answered many my questions. I have etched it with phosphoric acid, very lightly, so that the layers are seen only under certain angle. I didn't want that the etching mess with the kukri's beautiful geometry and fullers. Do you know, Spiral, how it could be looking originally, maybe the layers were not seen at all (not etched)? Do you know the meaning of the red paint?
I didn't knew it was a pattern welded steel until I have tested it with acid. The blade and the handle were quite dirty and rusty in some places (I have added the original seller's pictures).
The funny thing is that I was the ONLY bidder for this kukri. I gave exactly the start price on the last seconds of the auction and was VERY surprised and happy when I have won it Well, I think I was lucky...
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