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Old 28th December 2007, 07:33 PM   #16
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Hi David

Originally Posted by katana
... Portuguese supremacy over the waters around India was thus established
and reached its zenith during the days of Albuquerque.
But in 1580, when Portugal joined hands with Spain and the Spanish Armada suffered a crushing defeat, it changed the course of events around the globe, one of its off shoots being the decline of Portuguese supremacy in the Indian region. It is a moot point that if the Spanish Armada had triumphed, the United States could in all probability have become a Latin American country and India a Portuguese dominion! '
I am deeply impressed with such flow of information ... honestly. Thanks for sharing it.

Allow me just a little touch up in some paragraphs, for reasons connected with context.
As a matter of fact, Portugal didn't properly "join hands" with Spain to form the Armada. At the time Portugal's hands were tied by Spanish Philipine dominium, and the ships plus countless means of artillery were sort of "requisitioned" by the Spaniards for the battle.
I don't know that, if Spain had triumphed ( and it only didn't apparently due to weather conditions ), Portugal would widen its dominium in India, but on the contrary, due to Spanish diversion of tastes, Portugal existing supremacy in the Orient has drasticaly reduced during Spain domination.

Obviously my ( hipotheticaly right ) coments only seek historical objectives.

All the best
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