Originally Posted by fernando
So true, but sometimes what is humor for one/s is not so for the other/s  .
When one plays ( so often ) with humor, he must be qualifyed on its extent, to put it that way.
If all humour was qualified Fernando it woudnt be humour any more I think? But if I had just said half the Nepali navy is a camoflaged pedailo, he would still fiegn upset. Thats what trolls do.
if Arny objected to my comment {s} {he didnt actualy say what he objected to. Another classic troll tactic.} , fair enough thats fine, he could of said so, withort resorting to terms like "Childish" & "stupid" He was just looking to make me angry so he could have a fight with him playing a moral stance.
It didnt work as ive spoken to trolls before & learnt my lesson hopefully, although I must admit I do respond to them, just not in the way they want.
So he persits with insults & obscenities to both myself & a moderater to get a fight going.
Appologies Bruce, Jim , Mark & evryone else, for bieng part of the trivia in this thread, drawing it away from part its correct focus on occasion.I felt I had to respond though.
Anyway lets get back to the history of the Nepali Naval weapons!
Perhaps Arny can share some examples?