Thankyou chaps for your awarness of the situation.
I know Christmas is a difficult time for many people Arny. But Ill deal with your points one by one, assiuming you posted them with some thought & meaning.
No I am not, I dont, & I havent slagged Nepalis off .. that's your error.
Realy? Fascinating.You clearly havent inherited there humour on this occasion.
what ones like. " I happen to have family there and resent your childish stupidity" perhaps?
Not sure what part of my post you actually objected to? was it all of it? Ill try a few guesses as you were unable to be precise in your objections.
1, "Nepali Hindus dont like the dark sea though, it destroys there soul & eliminates there caste position & risks them entering there own form of purgatory." Is a true statement.
2,There sea sickness is legendary. There true landlubbers. This is recorded in numerous ww1 records & books, the genetic strengths which are many do not usually include bieng seafarers. {Look up Nepalese seamen on the net.}
3,I suspect The only Navy in Nepal has a 2 man canoe on a melting glacial stream though & possibly a rubber dinghy on a jungle stream in the monsoon! was tounge in cheek humour, but its also virtualy the truth.
Although according to Gillian Holdsworth they also have a pedadillo painted in military camouflage!
I suggest you Learn a little more about a country you have family in & its geography, religion & customs before commenting so rashly & incorrectly on my comments again.
Have a good Christmas!