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Old 13th December 2007, 05:57 PM   #20
Tim Simmons
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It is probably best to have an open verdict on the weld. In my opinion it was done at the time of and in the forging of the blade. My reasons are-

The lack of any burn at the site, bluing or straw discolouration . There is only the most basic finishing to the metal. A new weld on any piece of metal would make rather a lot of mess. Even a high tech spot weld leaves a blue halo.

You can see in the pictures thin metal layers are worked and spread by hammer action. I have some other African pieces I will get day light pictures of to make comparisons with.

Finally and not wanting to be rude to anyone. Perhaps the work is skilled and delicate beyond the average metalworker particularly when they are really only used to working in a western environment with plentiful western materials.

Would such a large later added weld not affect the temper? The temper is even through the blade.

Last edited by Tim Simmons; 13th December 2007 at 07:22 PM. Reason: spelling
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