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Old 12th December 2007, 01:09 AM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Teodor, this is an interesting cavalry sabre that is probably quite early, probably 18th century and most likely Eastern European, whether Polish or Hungarian always hard to say. It does carry the karabela style hilt and the guard corresponds to those seen on earlier Polish examples, really difficult to say without better references at hand.

The markings are of course most interesting, and exactly the kind of thing we are discussing on the early makers marks thread, where it seems the 'X' marks appear in a number of variations, typically enclosing a name, phrase or inscription. It does seem sometimes they occur in some sort of systemic representation of a numeric, which is the theme of the topic, trying to determine the symbolism behind these mysterious marks. Perhaps you might visit the thread?

All best regards,
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