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Old 3rd December 2007, 06:37 PM   #17
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Hi Bill,
done a little more research, and think I may have some answers.

Esmeralda, was kidnapped from her home whilst a young girl. Her original name (in Hugo's book) is Agnes and was changed by the Gypsies to Esmeralda, (a Spanish name for emerald). In fact the purse (green silk) around her neck contains a green piece of glass to remind her of her name (emerald-Esmeralda). Now it gets a bit more interesting, Agnes, her given name, is the name of a virgin martyr Saint. She is the patron saint of chastity, gardeners, girls, engaged couples, rape victims and virgins.

"......According to her legend, Saint Agnes was a member of the Roman nobility born c. 291 and raised in a Christian family. She suffered martyrdom at the age of thirteen during the reign of the Eastern Roman Emperor Diocletian, on January 21, 304.

The prefect Sempronius wished Agnes to marry his son, and on Agnes' refusal he condemned her to death. Roman law did not permit the execution of virgins, Sempronius had a naked Agnes dragged through the streets to a brothel. As she prayed, her hair grew and covered her body. It was also said that all of the men who attempted to rape her were immediately struck blind. When led out to die she was tied to a stake, but the bundle of wood would not burn, whereupon the officer in charge of the troops drew his sword and struck off her head, or, in some other texts, stabbed her in the throat.

A few days after Agnes' death, a girl named Emerentiana was found praying by her tomb; she claimed to be the daughter of Agnes' wet nurse, and was stoned to death after refusing to leave the place and reprimanding the pagans for killing her foster sister. Emerentiana was also later canonized...."

Agnes is represented in art as a blonde young girl in robes, holding a palm branch in her hand and a lamb ( Esmeralda a goat) at her feet or in her arms.

It would seem that Esmeralda Character is based on St Agnes.

Interestingly both Agnes and Esmeralda died by trauma to the neck ...... I think that is why the neck position is so exaggerated.

Kind Regards
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