Hi Bill,
her head is indeed inclined to the sinister 'side' ..... i.e. the left.(the original meaning of the word from the Latin "sinistra" meaning 'left' hand side) It could be concluded that it is symbolic that Esmeralda 'leans towards evil'. However the goat (demonised by the early church ) is on the right side (dexter) ...the 'good' side.
Typically in Art, a subjects stance or positioning could be slightly exaggerated to convey the Artist's 'meaning' to his/hers completed piece.
The leaning of the head to one side, exposes this vulnerable area to attack (a shallow cut could easily sever the carotid artery with fatal results) If the 'subject' is in this position ....it generally signifies two things ..vulnerability or that the 'subject' is totally at ease (trusting, loving, friendly) with the 'situation' shown in the piece. As Esmeralda is looking directly at her pet goat whilst in this position I believe it shows her vulnerability(as per the story) and her 'love' for her loyal companion... the goat.
Although I suspect some will say it is an expression of her 'love' and 'devotion' for Satan, personified by the goat

Had there not been a story that inspired the hilt of your dagger ...the last suggestion could indeed be more likely.
Regards David
PS I mentioned before that the tiles/shingles on the scabbard are opposite way up in relation to the 'spire' , inverted candle sticks etc. I think that this is strange. Why would everything else be upside down...except the tiles....could it be deliberate and significant