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Old 28th November 2007, 08:04 AM   #5
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Nice piece, Tim. Something I would go for, too. (Do I also have a twisted mind ???

I don't think you should consider this as a true weapon. It looks more like some kind of walking cane or ceremonial stick. A spike has been added to 'stick' it into the ground when need be. Why the spike has barbs, I don't know. Probably the owner/manufacturer liked it this way. Or he had some spare parts from a spear.

The piece shows some age, judging from the patina. It's in the right places. Also the break on one of the feet is quite old.

Nevertheless, this could be a terrible weapon.

I have a walking stick which is simpler in form. But the spike at the end is quite heavy and could do a lot of damage when used to stab or hit somebody.

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