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Old 27th November 2007, 09:36 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Justin,
Its really tough to find old takoubas these days, and although this example is indeed not old at all, its important to remember that the takouba is still an important element of Tuareg costume. While they do of course sell these readily to tourists, I believe they still wear them as well. Naturally, as Lee Jones will attest, the weapon du jour is actually the AK-47, but the trusty takouba often is stubbornly worn at the side

I think the scabbard throat band is interesting, as the loose basket weave motif resembles certain blade motif from certain Eastern European trade blades (see the early makers marks thread and the Polish sabre blade with sacred heart motif).

While not truly 'antique' , it is still an authentic 'ethnographic' piece that serves as representative of the traditional form.

All the best,
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