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Old 26th November 2007, 07:59 AM   #8
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I did some research on the internet and now I'm sure that the second piece I showed is not an African club. It probably comes from somewhere in the South Sea (Fiji ?).
I think it's a throwing club, called 'ULA'. Has anyone a better idea ?

- - -

The clubs keep coming lately. This third one, I found on ebay. It was offered twice and nobody seemed to be interested.

It wasn't expensive, so I bought it.

When I received it last week, I was happily surprised with the piece. It's beautiful. Again, I think of an African origin. Mainly due to the fact that brass nails were used to embellish it. The small blade on top is well forged.
This club has a good weight to it. At the bottom, a metal ferrule has been added to prevent the wood from splitting.
Total length : 62 cm. Length of knife blade : 10 cm.

Any comments ?

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