Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
It does seem that 19th century collectors did tend to apply practical manners of use according to presumption by the shape of blades etc. without actually seeing them used, especially with the 'throwing knives' for example. On the shotel, the severe tip on the deeply curves examples does seem likely to have had purpose for reaching over shields in downward stroke, as well of course for hooking and slashing...but as Roanoa has noted, such movement would leave the weapon holder wide open, so without having 'been there' in the battles....predictable assumption.
All the best,
Just wanted to respond to the shotel question. There is an interesting essay by Hank Reinhardt on shotel use. The relevant paragraphs are quoted below:
"Wooden swords edged with shark's teeth, draw cuts, pulling cuts, slashes -- all of these are understandable, but there has always been one type of sword and fighting technique that fills me with . . . well, I'm not sure what. You decide: The Abyssinian shotel is a long curved double-edged sword. At first glance, it looks like a Near Eastern scimitar, but on closer inspection you realize that the curve is a full half circle. And it is, I repeat, double-edged. The blade, generally, is a flattened, diamond cross section and quite stiff.
The natives fight with these swords from behind large, circular leather shields. Rather than try to cut through the shield, or feint it out of the way, they reach around it to hook their opponent with the point of the sword. I think you can image what a strange type of combat it must be. Many years ago, when the movie theaters had shorts subjects, I saw a travelogue that briefly showed two Abyssinians "fencing" with sword and shield. They hoped and ducked and bounced all around, with the long curved swords moving in very awkward ways. Really strange.
When you handle a shotel you realize that it isn't very effective for slicing, nor slashing, and certainly not built for thrusting, but it is pretty good for hooking, and that is how it should be judged." (source:
There is no best sword)
He seems to be saying that he actually saw the shotel used around a shield. Weird but true, and contrary to what Roanoa was saying. We really need someone with experience using it to speak up.
My 0.02 cents,