Fernando and Tim, thank you so much for answering my question, and I apologize for missing your answers. I somehow overlooked this thread while involved elsewhere and I try to avoid letting that happen. The reason I was curious is that I had one of these also, and seem to recall Congo regions noted with it but could not recall.
It does seem that 19th century collectors did tend to apply practical manners of use according to presumption by the shape of blades etc. without actually seeing them used, especially with the 'throwing knives' for example. On the shotel, the severe tip on the deeply curves examples does seem likely to have had purpose for reaching over shields in downward stroke, as well of course for hooking and slashing...but as Roanoa has noted, such movement would leave the weapon holder wide open, so without having 'been there' in the battles....predictable assumption.
As Roanoa has noted, and as we are discussing on a concurrent thread, shotels seem to have had certain range in the curvatures...hopefully others interested in these might add to the Abyssinian shotel thread
Very nice example of this type Tim, thanks for showing the interesting geometrics on the blade, and nice grouping you have shown Luc!!
Any thoughts on that opening at the base of the blade at the hilt?
All the best,