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Old 18th November 2007, 07:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Sint-Amandsberg (near Ghent, Belgium)
Posts: 830
Red face An even bigger sucker when it comes to African clubs

This morning, I really couldn't resist. I know, my wife says I have too much stuff.

At an open weekend at a gallery of a friend I found the most gorgeous club. He told me it came from the Dinka in Sudan. I've looking on the internet and it could also be Shilluk or Nuer, anyway somewhere in South Sudan.

This club consists of a hardwood stick with a metal addition at the top. It seems this 'addition' was once part of some machine. It's secured to the shaft by means of nails, hammered into the top. Beneath the metal head there's a brass ring, probably fitted to prevent the wood from splitting.

It's quite heavy (weighs approx. 650 grs). The total length is 77 cm. The metal head is 2,5 cm thick with a diameter of about 7 cm.

Has anyone seen a similar piece ?

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