Sorry everyone thats what I get for rushing in and posting before bed I should have added the prices
I am asking 350 for the tenegre when I bought it the person that sold it did not know what type of sword it was but gave a provinance of it being a spanish american war bringback. I have not been able to confirm this.400 for the dha I am not sure if the handle is ivory or bone the color certainly suggest ivory but the structure to me looks more like bone, the blade is very well forged with good geometry my best guess on it is late 1800's to very early 1900's The scabbard is broken at the end and there is a small dent in the end of the pommel. The two parang I am asking 250 each for. The top has what looks to be a european blade.
Feel free to make an offer or ask for more pictures. I am at the firestation today so requests for more pictures cannot be complied with until I get off tomorrow. As always Aceh items will be considered in trade