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Old 16th November 2007, 04:47 AM   #7
wilked aka Khun Deng
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Default Boxed up

Rick, Never got it shipped but I have it all boxed up and locked away from prying eyes -unfortunately I can't enjoy it either now, but it beats losing the entire collection to the suddenly stringent Japanese customs officials. We had an arrangement before that as long as I didn't take them off post (why would I) that I could keep them, that all changed when they threw a buddy of mine in jail for three months cause he had an old Thai flintlock (non-functional) and a homemade shotgun (from PVC pipe) that he had brought back from Thailand. Apparently some Japanese kid playing in his house saw them and mentioned them to Dad and the next thing you know the Japanese SWAT team descended on his house (not kidding about that part either).

I have everything shipped to my brother's in CT now - he's enjoying it greatly - course those pieces might be hard to pry away from him now - he's especially fond of the Dha he bought me for my birthday from Mark. You'd think he'd be happy with all the antigue guns he has - the greedy little

Good to be back I'm hoping this time to get up to Marawi and see the Islamic museum they have up there. Might even shoot Bob Timonera a line and see if he's still around.

Good to be back on-line with y'all

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