Thread: Keris Oil
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Old 13th November 2007, 08:48 PM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Philadelphia, Pa
Posts: 6

Yeah, it took me forever to figure out that medicinal or liquid paraffin is simply mineral oil.

I get my kenanga oil (aka cananga odorata macrophylla) from Liberty Natural ( (they list it as cananga indonesia) I also get my sandalwood oil from there too. Because both are concentrated essential oils, I just drop some of each into the mineral oil and I'm good to go (actually any more I just use the sandalwood oil).

FYI, here's a summation of what my research indicated about the difference between ylang ylang and kenanga oil:

"Do not confuse [ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)] with Cananga oil, a more medicinal & less florally odoured oil, which is produced in Java from Cananga odorata subsp macrophylla."

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