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Old 4th November 2007, 09:22 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I think your ideas concerning the possible manner of use with these weapons is very well placed Tim. It seems that for the most part, tribal conflict in Africa was in varying degree settled by limited combat of champion warriors. I believe that Spring addressed this somewhat and the formidable appearance of certain weapons was more inclined toward psychological effect than actual practical application.
Freddy, thank you so much for explaining the purpose of that little half moon!! I had one of these interesting swords, and cannot tell you how maddening it was trying to figure out what the heck that was there for!!

BTW, which tribes and regions were these swords common to? I believe they were Congo of course, but more specific? Also I am not sure of the correct term for them (I think it is noted in "Beaute Fatale").

All best regards,
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