or African sickles for a sucker?

Two new bits. I had to be a little creative with the handle on one. It was all unravelled, the copper just needed putting back in place with very minor adjustment. The twisted steel was more damaged but with the help of a special home made gunge technique i now think it looks quite presentable.
No matter how hard I try I just cannot see these as real war swords. There are so many more truly offencive sickle weapons. I am going to suggest that apart from the brass or copper versions which are clearly status or parade objects. That these may be made for a more stylised tournament fighting. Like that German fencing where one wears eye protectors and one slashes from a static postion. I have seen pic of Zande? and I think Luc has a picture on his web site of a fellow with a sickle sword and shield. The chap in picture really does look like he is catching his breath before reengaging in the activity. I am sure I have seen the same picture else where or a different one but telling the same story. These swords are so very limited in function but also beautiful, I feel they must be for some sort of tournament. Also I have never encountered one that has been sharp or ever having any signs of being sharpened.