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Old 20th October 2007, 08:51 PM   #12
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Default On Wedung

Originally Posted by mohd

I am interested to know more about Wedung. Would you please let us know about the exact area of origin of Wedung. Is it originated from East, Middle or West java? I know that it might be quite hard to know the exact area of origin, anyhow maybe you could just come out with the most possible one.

Dear Moh,
I am not sure about the exact origin of Wedung. But from the form of the blade, it seems that it had Middle-East influence. But 'localized', javanised with kind of "greneng" in the lower part of the blade, and long-massive "methuk" above the short pesi...

Wedung usually used in the formal javanese dress-uniform by a "woman bupati" or woman regent in (Central) Java (in the past), or high rank person (prince). And it has a very specific scabbard, with long buffalo-horn peg (pls look at my previous picture)...

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