Thread: Jalak Budo
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Old 20th October 2007, 08:38 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by VVV
Thanks for sharing those Keris Pak Ganja!

I have heard about a metaphysical difference of "regular" Keris and the Jalak Budo. Could someone please share some more info on this aspect?

Here is a resembling Malay Keris that I suspect is inspired by your Keris - the Debek?
It doesn't have a methuk however.

Beautiful Malay Keris, Michael. And the pamor, we call it the type of "pamor dwi warna" or two kinds of pamor. Upper blade with "lar gangsir" (mole cricket's wing) pamor and it has a special "batu lapak" (flagstone?) pamor in the lower part (sor-soran) of the keris.

Its dapur is also good-looking. And it has ressemblance of dhapur "ron teki" in Javanese term. (long gandhik or front lower part of keris) with sekar kacang above the gandhik. But usually, ron teki has no greneng or ron dha in the wadidang. There is javanese influence in the making method of lar gangsir pamor.

On Jalak Budo. Most javanese keris people believe that jalak budo is one of the oldest dhapur of keris. Budo itself doesn't mean as Budhha. But it indicates a period in the past -- say it -- around 6-10th century. There is a kind of sense of uncertainty in the word of "budo" or "buda". Maybe you may "translate" it as "very old" or "once upon a time"... Or "antah berantah" in the Malay term.

Most javanese keris people also believe, that old jalak budo could be used as "keris tindih" (I have written about "keris tindih" in another thread), to neutralize the bad influence of other keris. But keris tindih is not only Jalak Budo. Old keris with dhapur betok, also could be used as keris tindih...

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