Originally Posted by ganjawulung
With thirteen luks, so we call them (yours too) as tombak with dapur korowelang...
Hallo Gonjo welcome back to the waroeng
I wonder why there are a lot of dapur korowelangs expected tangguh Mataram Sultanangungan (Sultan Agung Era). I have found them several times. Even I have one tombak similiar as yours.
According to Stephen's Tombak, I agree with you that it is one type of barukuping. If Stephen hangs two small bells on the holes, it will be called baruklinthing [?](klinthing=small bell)

. One of the legendary tombak in Jawa is Kiai Baruklinthing. Any kerislovers know where Kiai Baruklinthing is now?
Kiai Baruklinthing was the grand pusaka of Ki Ageng Mangir (descent of Ki Ageng Giring). Babad Ki Ageng Mangir is just like a shakespeare/hamlet from England. It is believed that he is the ancestor of people who use Kolopaking as their family name. However, Kolopaking name was known long after Ki Ageng Mangir era (Kolopaking v. Arumbinang (his)-Strory).
Warm salam,