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Old 1st October 2007, 04:14 AM   #5
Jim McDougall
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It is my impression that the term acalantha is applied to a sword that is used in certain Buddhist ritual or ceremony and would apply to any sword selected to be used in that capacity. Thus the term would not really apply to a certain sword form or type, would that be correct?

It is as typically noted, very difficult to estimate age of a weapon from photos, but this example has definitely got age! I would venture to guess probably 18th century, possibly into the 17th. Since the 'acalantha' are considered votive ritual instruments or offerings this example seems pretty plain compared to brass mounted dorje hilt forms also shown described by this term.

It is interesting here to note the double rondel hilt form associated with the Nepalese kora ( as discussed on the other 'pra kukri' thread') and consider its presence with items typically associated with Tibetan ritual items.It is well known that 'kora' are equally known in both Tibet and Nepal, and these, among many weapons were widely used throughout both.
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