Thread: T.O.M.BA.K
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Old 27th September 2007, 05:36 PM   #13
Raden Usman Djogja
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 199

Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Dear Raden...., more specific it is "ilining warih" (the flow of water). Our life is flowing everyday, like the flowing of water in the river...

Pak Ganja,

Longtime not to hear you, where have you been? journey to other continent

I also hear that some "wos wutah/split rices" pamors are classified as "ilining warih/flowing water" or/and "wahyu tumurun/[english?]". As Pak Alan said, in conservative ways, it is called simply "wos wutah". When we try to make more specific name either flowing water pamor, wahyu tumurun pamor, jung isi donyo pamor or (especially) rojo gundolo pamor, the space of discussion will be opened.

Pak Ganja, I am waiting for you to upload Tombaks images

warm salam,
PS: do someone know dapur laler mengeng? what did people believe with this kind of keris (e.g. it was believed that golden rain pamor would make the owner could enjoy prosperity).
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