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Old 20th September 2007, 01:11 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Thanks for your input on this Derek.

Nice to know that the Sri Lankan gentleman was correct.

Actually, he only referred to the one he had as a "piha", and if I look at the examples that you have given, it is clear to me that this is correct. The name of the object under discussion is "piha", but with an adjective describing the type of piha that it is.

I do not know the grammar of the language used in Sri Lanka, but it would surprise me if all the names for a piha that you have supplied should not be expressed with the generic first, and the descriptors second, such as :- piha gal mita, rather than gal mita piha, piha vak, rather than vak piha.

Any Sri Lankan speakers here who could clarify this? I will be able to check it eventually, but it could be some time before I'm in contact with my Sri Lankan source.
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