Hi Derek,
Thanks so much for the response and for the link

Thats a great article in these weapons, and there do seem to be a wide variety of blade profiles.
Actually though my note of comparison was not meant as an assumption but as a free association note on the interesting blade profile of the piyaha and its similarity to certain forms of the seax/scramasax group.
It is often tempting to try to find associations or influences between vastly distant regions and separations in period in art and other elements of culture, but without support, these obviously remain simply a superficial comparison.
It seems I am always amazed though as new discoveries are made, and that the globalization seen today with modern technology, may have been much more prevalent than we have always believed. It seems the Vikings got around much more than we have considered. Other explorations in North America were more widespread in many cases than thought before by many of the powers we know were here. Trade routes from ancient times, and even into prehistory are constantly being retraced by supporting archaeological evidence in many places globally.
Who knows what the scholars and scientists will discover tomorrow, or many years in the future?

I cant wait !!!
You truly have a great selection of these, and I really enjoy learning more on the weapons of Sinhala. Thank you so much for the posting on them!
All best regards,