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Old 14th September 2007, 05:52 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Thanks Cahaya.

Nope---"fibrous/ grained" is fine.

"Serat" = grain or fibre.

"ngawat" is from "kawat" = wire or cable---same thing but as already noted, more coarse.

This surface presentation is because of the forging used for the material. It is invariably wrought iron that presents like this, and if you weld it a lot of times prior to forging to shape, you get a fine grain, only weld it a few times you get a coarse grain. New, and straight off the bench you naturally cannot see the grain, but after its been washed a few times, or artificially aged, the grain begins to become apparent. Probably the finer the grain, the more dirty the iron was to begin with---probably hot short into the bargain---which means it was washed a lot before use, resulting in more dense material.
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