Shona pieces
Hi Lew thanks for that feedback. Your dagger also is very nice and looks in excellent condition. What are your thoughts on the second dagger with copper wiring (1 photo of the blade missing for some reason). Also wondering about the short stabbing spear and the stick and whether these are just tourist pieces or curios (although picked up from local "antique auction"). The shaft of the stabbing spear is quite nice but not entirely convinced with the blade which seems a bit flimsy and weak, but this may be typical of the Shona stabbing spears. I am currently under a short term contract in Zimbabwe but find it very difficult to get any good old Shona pieces, and seems most are already in private collections. There is one person here who has an excellent colection and literally dozens of old Shona knives piled up in rooms. However he doesn't want to hear the word "sell". If I get the time I may try to organise for his pieces to be photographed and try to get them posted on this website for the record as its probably one of te best collections worldwide even if not being looked after very well