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Old 10th September 2007, 06:06 AM   #25
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Antonio Cejunior
I understand that once you say I have very little interest in custom knife making as a modern art form you have already blocked any possibility of liking anything because you already carry with you a parti pris.
Actually i don't believe this is so. I like what i like when i see it. If a blade strikes me, be it old, new or some hybrid it will be something i give fair consideration to. If it happens to be a hybrid style custom knife i am not going to say to myself, oh no, i can't possibly like that, it's a custom hybrid. Antonio, you really make a whole lot of assumptions about me without having any idea who or what i am.
Again, i am not questioning the validity of cultural hybridization and i don't think anyone else here has either, so i am not sure why you feel it is necessary to justify it with your examples of impressionist painters and Picasso's "stolen" african cubism. All i have questioned is the validity of your particular project. Period. For me it doesn't work in this case. You have all the creative freedom you like to create whatever hybrid art you like...and i have the freedom not to like your result....and if you choose you post it here and ask people what they think that is what you are likely to get, opinions.
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